AFD: Offres. Page № 2


Total des offres: 2108 + Nouveau 5

total: 1054
30 oct

Nombre: 113163643

Country: France

Source: AFD

30 oct

Nombre: 113179499

Country: France

Source: AFD

28 oct
EPC Works for Establishment of New System Control Centres (FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 66 jours
Client: AFD

Nombre: 113009561

Country: Cambodia

Source: AFD

24 oct
Procurement for Supply, Install and configure the Government network equipment and software (FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 31 jours
Client: AFD

Nombre: 112836795

Country: Rwanda

Source: AFD

23 oct
Project Accountant (FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: AFD

Nombre: 112749358

Country: Angola

Source: AFD

13 oct
Selection of a System Integrator for CEB FIBERNET High Speed Broadband Network (FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 12 jours
Client: AFD

Nombre: 112178234

Country: Mauritius

Source: AFD