Eastern Procurement Ltd (Ashwellthorpe, United Kingdom CSTMR№195272): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres

Téléphone: +44 01508488244
Country: United Kingdom
Ville: Ashwellthorpe
Adresse: Eastern Procurement Ltd
The Old Granary, Grange Farm
NR16 1ET
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): NR16 1ET
For the attention of: Mark Fisher
Telephone: +44 01508488244
Internet address(es):
General address: http://eastern-procurement.co.uk
Address of the buyer profile: http://eastern-procurement.co.uk/portal/

Contrats: 7
offres: 20
Source: TED
Le site publie des informations sur les contrats de manière sélective.

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Source: TED

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Source: TED

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Source: TED

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Source: TED

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Source: TED