Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to supply, delivery, service and maintain deformation monitoring survey equipment for the Directorate: Spatial Information (D:SI). Place where goods, works or services are required: Department of Water and Sanitation, 185 Francis Baard Street (formerly Schoeman) - Pretoria - 0002. (Offre №103215842fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 103215842
Date de publication: 20-04-2024

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Wedding Cake Table Stand Source:

Хүүхэд болон ахмадын сувилалын байрны торхны засвар тохижилт Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Cleaning of outfall sewer line. Overview of the Works: 1) The service provider will be required to Manually remove Debris, Sludge, Solid material, and any other foreign objects inside the outfall Sewer System for approximately 912m between Splitter Chamber and Olifantsvlei Treatment Works. The outfall main to be cleaned comprises of three outfall Lines with an approximate Distance of 300m to be cleaned. 2) The service provider will be required to manually clean and remove all the debris, foreign objects, and sludge in the split chamber and the outfall Mains. 3) The Supplier must have valid hazardous waste transporter certificate obtained from GDARDE and Transport Permit from the City of Johannesburg. 4) The service provider must make sure that the correct PPEE used should address all safety aspects for employees working on confined space with expected gases. 5) GCC 2015 will be used as a preferred form of Contract Monitoring. 6) Disposal of hazardous waste at a registered landfill site and submission of safe disposal certificate and Landfill site Permit. 7) Prospective Bidders who do not attend Compulsory Site Briefing will not be considered for evaluation for this RFQ. 8) All additional work to allow the service provider to work including flow control and over pumping shall be at the Bidders cost. 9) Material removed should be disposed at Olifantsvlei treatment works and clearing of site upon completion is required before any handover inspection can be organized. 10) The work shall include CCTV Inspection of the Line after it has been cleaned and a CCTV Report submitted indicating any defects or structural failure in the Line. The work shall be executed at the outfall Line towards Olifantsvlei Treatment plant located close to The Eldorado Park Commentary and the Nancefield Industrial area. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Information is hereby requested for the following: Once-off supply, installation, commissioning, and providing training for microscope with phase contrast, fluorescence, and imaging system on a once-off basis at Cydna Laboratories, Houghton. Please confirm the closing time. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to tender document: The Msunduzi Municipality hereby invites tenders from suitably experienced Tenderers for the following works: Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning, repairs and maintenance to the water and sanitation telemetry and SCADA infrastructure: Section A: Telemetry and instrumentation, Section B: SCADA engineering and support. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from service providers registered on the Central Supplier Database for the following: Provision of 2 x promoters to run in-store competition at UMW. Please note that this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS