Avfall Sør AS (Kristiansand S, Norway CSTMR№325314): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres

E-mail: [email protected]
Country: Norway
Ville: Kristiansand S
Adresse: Avfall Sør AS
Postboks 4094
Kristiansand S
Contact person: 4633
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://permalink.mercell.com/77707480.aspx
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.avfallsor.no/

Contrats: 4
offres: 33
Source: TED
Le site publie des informations sur les contrats de manière sélective.

total: 3
29 sep

Nombre: 91397082

Country: Norway

Source: TED

26 sep

Nombre: 91294799

Country: Norway

Source: TED

17 feb
Sorting and screening machines (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 376 139 (EUR)
Montant original: 4 000 000 (NOK)

Client: Avfall Sør AS

Nombre: 78112473

Country: Norway

Source: TED

et autres ... Clients

Nombre: 325310

Country: Italy

Nombre: 325312

Country: Macedonia

Source: TED

Nombre: 325313

Country: Norway

Source: TED