Sectoral Procurement Directorate (Valletta, Malta CSTMR№927466): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres

Téléphone: +356 22001905
Country: Malta
Ville: Valletta
Adresse: Sectoral Procurement Directorate
MT 17054232
55A, Transcontinental House, Zachary Street
Telephone: +356 22001905
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:

total: 384
22 jan

Nombre: 98166558

Country: Malta

Source: TED

08 jan

Nombre: 97477768

Country: Malta

Source: TED

22 dec

Nombre: 96734592

Country: Malta

Source: TED

05 dec

Nombre: 95605388

Country: Malta

Source: TED

04 dec

Nombre: 95496608

Country: Malta

Source: TED

24 nov

Nombre: 94882775

Country: Malta

Source: TED

22 nov

Nombre: 94714187

Country: Malta

Source: TED

22 nov

Nombre: 94715141

Country: Malta

Source: TED

21 nov

Nombre: 94637685

Country: Malta

Source: TED

17 nov

Nombre: 94431344

Country: Malta

Source: TED

10 nov

Nombre: 93990071

Country: Malta

Source: TED

20 oct

Nombre: 92848760

Country: Malta

Source: TED

13 oct

Nombre: 92474485

Country: Malta

Source: TED

11 oct

Nombre: 92347502

Country: Malta

Source: TED

29 sep

Nombre: 91398420

Country: Malta

Source: TED

25 sep

Nombre: 91257552

Country: Malta

Source: TED

25 sep

Nombre: 91257712

Country: Malta

Source: TED

et autres ... Clients

Nombre: 927460

Country: France

Nombre: 927461

Country: Germany

Nombre: 927463

Country: Austria

Source: TED

Nombre: 927464

Country: Czech Republic

Source: TED