Община Долна баня (Germany CSTMR№170744): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres

Country: Germany
Contrats: 3
offres: 3
Le site publie des informations sur les contrats de manière sélective.

total: 1
21 jul
Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services (EN BG) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 858 019 (EUR)
Montant original: 1 679 333 (BGN)

Source: Община Долна баня

Nombre: 87816819

Country: Bulgaria

Source: TED

et autres ... Clients

Nombre: 170738

Country: Slovenia

Nombre: 170741

Country: Germany

Nombre: 170742

Country: Germany