Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic. (Georgia CSTMR№1167002): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres

Country: Georgia

total: 441
21 mar
Инструменты, замки, ключи, петли, крепежные устройства, цепи и пружины (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 25 402
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 5 jours
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
18 mar
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 4 525
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 1 jours
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
06 feb
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 500 250
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
06 feb
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 399 750
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
03 feb
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 471 150
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
03 feb
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 502 200
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
31 jan
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 493 080
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
31 jan
Строительные материалы и связанные с ними изделия (GE) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 486 920
Client: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.
Source: Roads Department the Sub-Division of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Ajara Autonomous Republic.

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