ISAE-Supaero (Toulouse, France CSTMR№192460): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres

Country: France
Ville: Toulouse
Adresse: ISAE-Supaero
10 avenue Édouard Belin — BP 54032
Point(s) de contact: 31055
Code NUTS: FR623
Adresse(s) internet:
Adresse principale:
Adresse du profil d’acheteur:

Contrats: 3
offres: 22
Source: TED
Le site publie des informations sur les contrats de manière sélective.

total: 15
13 dec
Security services (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 96138599

Country: France

Source: TED

08 dec
Research, testing and scientific technical simulator (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 600 000 (EUR)
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 95865978

Country: France

Source: TED

20 nov
Exhibition stands (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 94561779

Country: France

Source: TED

17 nov
Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 94428403

Country: France

Source: TED

04 oct
Information and promotion products (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 91537531

Country: France

Source: TED

23 aug
Monitoring and control services (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 89701132

Country: France

Source: TED

08 aug
Insurance services (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 88800119

Country: France

Source: TED

05 jul
Programming services of application software (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 86964493

Country: France

Source: TED

14 jun

Nombre: 85594240

Country: France

Source: TED

30 may
Preventive maintenance services (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 85070877

Country: France

Source: TED

17 may
Electronic components (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 84249031

Country: France

Source: TED

10 feb
Aircraft engines (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 77597637

Country: France

Source: TED

27 jan
Audio-visual equipment (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 76563690

Country: France

Source: TED

16 jan
Certification services (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 75718090

Country: France

Source: TED

30 nov
Graphic design services (EN FR) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 280 000 (EUR)
Client: isae-supaero
Source: ISAE-Supaero

Nombre: 74658338

Country: France

Source: TED

et autres ... Clients

Nombre: 192455

Country: Sweden

Source: TED

Nombre: 192456

Country: Spain

Source: TED

Nombre: 192458

Country: Italy

Source: TED