dans le sable: India appels d'offres, marchés publics 2025


total: 343
30 dec
Procurement of flood fighting materials (Sand Bag) for Water Resources Department for the year 2024-25 (Zone-A) (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 18 jours
Client: eProcurement System Government of Assam

Nombre: 116934204

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

27 dec
Supply of good earth and sand for making Gully matti at 27 no incline and 5/6 no incline under Hariajam Colliery for the period of one year. (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 5 jours
Client: Central public Procurement portal India

Nombre: 116792493

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

26 dec
Improvement of road with heavy earth filling and sand gravelling road from 1 No. Singimari village to Bhumka road under WPT for the year 2024-25. (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 6 jours
Client: eProcurement System Government of Assam

Nombre: 116726640

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India