哈尔滨市公安局电子数码视频建设工程结果更正公告(第一次) (Offre №79847757fr)


Country: China
Langue: CN
Nombre: 79847757
Date de publication: 14-03-2023

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1) Minor Maintenance of 286.10m long PC Girder Bridge on Sonahata GC-Bagbari Road via Berarbari Road at Ch. 3450m [Road ID# 110272004], 2) Minor Maintenance of 7.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Sonahata GC-Bagbari Road via Berarbari Road at Ch. 4575m [Road ID # 110272004], 3) Minor Maintenance of 20.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Sonahata GC-Bagbari Road via Berarbari Road at Ch. 6475m [Road ID # 110272004], 4) Minor Maintenance of 106.00m long RCC Girder Bridge on Dhunot-Gossainbari-Vanderbari-Dheakuria GC Road at Ch. 1109m [Road ID # 110272011], 5) Minor Maintenance of 7.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Dhunot-Gossianbari-Vanderbari-Dheakuria GC Road at Ch. 1750m [Road # 110272011], 6) Minor Maintenance of 7.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Dhunot-Gossainbari-Vanderbari-Dheakuria GC Road at Ch. 2350m [Road ID #110272011], 7) Minor Maintenance of 54m long RCC Girder Bridge on Chowkibari UP (Panchthupi) Shagatia Hat Road at Ch. 2265m [Road ID # 110273012], 8) Minor Maintenance of 70m long RCC Girder Bridge on Chowkibari UP-Dighalkandi hat Road at Ch. 750m [Road ID #110273014] & 9) Minor Maintenance of 160m long RCC Girder Bridge on Gopalnagar-Sattikri hat Road at Ch. 154m [Road ID # 110273018] under Dhunot Upazila District Bogura. Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit

理塘县林业和草原局四川海子山国家级自然保护区2022年禁止开发区补助资金项目——野外视频监... Source: CCGP

宣汉县农业农村局宣汉县争创显著县申报咨询服务竞争性磋商公告 Source: CCGP

Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit

1) Minor Maintenance of 286.10m long PC Girder Bridge on Sonahata GC-Bagbari Road via Berarbari Road at Ch. 3450m [Road ID# 110272004], 2) Minor Maintenance of 7.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Sonahata GC-Bagbari Road via Berarbari Road at Ch. 4575m [Road ID # 110272004], 3) Minor Maintenance of 20.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Sonahata GC-Bagbari Road via Berarbari Road at Ch. 6475m [Road ID # 110272004], 4) Minor Maintenance of 106.00m long RCC Girder Bridge on Dhunot-Gossainbari-Vanderbari-Dheakuria GC Road at Ch. 1109m [Road ID # 110272011], 5) Minor Maintenance of 7.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Dhunot-Gossianbari-Vanderbari-Dheakuria GC Road at Ch. 1750m [Road # 110272011], 6) Minor Maintenance of 7.00m long RCC Box Culvert on Dhunot-Gossainbari-Vanderbari-Dheakuria GC Road at Ch. 2350m [Road ID #110272011], 7) Minor Maintenance of 54m long RCC Girder Bridge on Chowkibari UP (Panchthupi) Shagatia Hat Road at Ch. 2265m [Road ID # 110273012], 8) Minor Maintenance of 70m long RCC Girder Bridge on Chowkibari UP-Dighalkandi hat Road at Ch. 750m [Road ID #110273014] & 9) Minor Maintenance of 160m long RCC Girder Bridge on Gopalnagar-Sattikri hat Road at Ch. 154m [Road ID # 110273018] under Dhunot Upazila District Bogura. Source: Central Procurement Technical Unit