关于厦门利德集团有限公司2023年2月至2023年7月份35kV-110kV电力电缆集中采购项目的补充通知... (Offre №78264025fr)


Country: China
Langue: CN
Nombre: 78264025
Date de publication: 20-02-2023

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Accès total
Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of plumbing material. Scope: • Cock stop 15 mm lock shied female loose key (Cobra) heavy pattern x 100; • Coupling Plasson male 22 x 15 mm x 100; • Geka F/M tap coupling 20mm x 50; • Coupling male 20 x 20 mm Plasson x 100; • Cock stop 15 mm female heavy pattern x 100. Delivery Address: 1 Mark Street (Stores). Delivery period shall be within 7-14 working days from receiving an official order from the municipality. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of stationery. Scope: • Book memo 148 x 105 mm hard cover JD 356 100; • Books manuscript JD6255/W327 hard cover A5 50; • Books flush 2 quire A4 100; • Folders document buff 240 GR 690x340 threefold (100 per packet) x 1000; • Pads - examination A4 with margin punched/side x 100; • Envelope C4 324 x 229 mm white opaque (box) x 20; • Books requisition inter departmental (NCR paper) 100 pages x 100; • Rubber bands nr.38 500gsm (width 3mm length 152mm) x 10; • Books shorthand note books x 50. Delivery Address: 1 Mark Street (Stores). Delivery period shall be within 7-14 working days from receiving an official order from the municipality. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

同济大学测绘与地理信息学院测绘虚拟仿真VR显示和实验平台采购项目磋商公告 Source: CCGP

1.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-85, Lhr.2.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-84, Lhr.3.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-200, Lhr. Source: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

1.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-202, Lhr.2.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-201, Lhr.3.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-204, Lhr. Source: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

1.Rehabilitation and Improvement of Roads in UC-88, Lhr.2.P&F of Street Lights at Tajpura Housing Scheme & Adjoining Areas, Lhr.3.R&I of Roads in UC-199, Lhr. Source: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL