内蒙古赤峰有色金属开发区管理委员会赤峰有色金属开发区林西产业园道路及配套基础设施建设项... (Offre №77620086fr)


Country: China
Langue: CN
Nombre: 77620086
Date de publication: 10-02-2023

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Accès total
Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of 10 (ten only) x non-flush portable chemical toilets and 10 (ten only) x removable waste drums to Port Alfred. Specifications: 1. 1.1m x 1.1m x 2.2m high (dimensions) – non-flush unit; 2. Back flap to access waste drum; 3. Toilet seat, covering flap and ventilation pipe; 4. Toilet roll holder; 5. 10 x removal waste drums, measuring 120 litres, with close-fitting-lid, and a safe lock clamp; 6. Bidders must attach a photo of the non-flush unit offered; 7. Transport to deliver to Ndlambe Municipality in Port Alfred must be included. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders hereby invited for the following: Sale of wax material - Meyerton. Specifications: Lot No. 1: • Contaminated wax chunks (sweepings); • Estimated weight: 10,5 ton; • Price per ton. Lot No. 2: • Contaminated wax chunks (sweepings); • Estimated weight: 16 ton; • Price per ton. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Umuziwabantu hereby invites bids from suitable qualified and experienced service providers for the following: Supply of lowbed semi-trailer. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders hereby invited for the following: Sale of used paper bags & cardboards - Meyerton. Specifications: Lot No. 1: • Used printed paper bags (1 Lot); • Total estimated weight: 1.918 ton; • Bulk bags included in total weight; • Price per ton. Lot No. 2: • Used cardboard for recycling (1 Lot); • Total estimated weight: 0.632 ton; • Bulk bags included in total weight; • Price per ton. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

吴川市2022年小型水库大坝安全监测设施建设项目竞争性磋商公告 Source: CCGP

滨州市应急管理局2023年购买全市安全生产阶段性督导检查专家服务项目竞争性磋商公告 Source: CCGP