Закупка электродов сравнения для объектов ЭХЗ магистральных газопроводов АО «Узтрансгаз» (Offre №108292067fr)


Country: Uzbekistan
Langue: UZ
Nombre: 108292067
Date de publication: 30-07-2024

La description

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  • Abonnez-vous à des listes de diffusion gratuites pour vos phrases clés
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Accès total
Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of stationery for Warehouse. Specifications: 1. Eraser pencil x 100; 2. Permanent marker black equivalent to Artline 700 x 200; 3. Post it flags x 300; 4. Post it notes x 300; 5. Pritt 43g x 300; 6. Exam pad A4 x 100; 7. Filing sleeves A4 x 2000; 8. 30cm ruler x 300; 9. Arch level files A4 40mm x 500; 10. Black pen BK77 x 300; 11. Black pen BK440 x 300; 12. HB pencil x 300; 13. Fine liner black x 100; 14. Highlighter pink x 100; 15. Highlighter orange x 100; 16. Paper clips 50mm x 100. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of crusher dust, Qty: 160m³. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of coldmix asphalt @ 25kg. Specifications: It must be: - SABS approval, - Able to withstand any weather condition, - Self priming, - @ Namakgale, - Quantity: 2000. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: SAPS: Wartburg Police Station: 22 Noordsberg Road: Repairs to leaking corrugated roof at CSC, SCM, trauma room and detective"s block. Period: One month. Source: ONLINE TENDERS


Приобретение 16-ти местного микроавтобуса в количестве 3 единиц для нужд аэропортов АО «Uzbekistan Airports». Source: УЗБЕКСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКАЯ ТОВАРНО-СЫРЬЕВАЯ БИРЖА