R614--San Juan On-Site Shredding (Offre №100197138fr)


Country: United States
Langue: UK
Nombre: 100197138
Date de publication: 23-02-2024

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Accès total
Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Neat & Spacious Family Home - Randgate. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Consumables. Specifications: - SA pine 114 x 38 x 6m x 100; - SA pine 76 x 50 x 6m x 100; - SA pine 38 x 38 x 6m x 100; - SA pine 76 x 38 x 6m x 100; - SA pine sighting x 50; - SA pine quarter round x 50; - SA pine architrave x 50; - Rhinoboard 1.2 x 6m x 50; - Rhinoboard 900 x 6m x 50; - Cover strips x 50; - Bishop strips x 50; - Wire nails 100mm x 1; - Wire nails 75mm x 1; - Wire nails 32mm x 1; - Panel pins 32mm x 1; - Mortise locks 2 lever x 20; - Shutter board 2440 x 1220 x 50; - Hard board STD 2440 x 1220 x 50; - SA pine tongue and groove (knotty pine) x 100. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Tautliner Trailer - Germiston. Specifications: - Afrit Semi Trailer; - Registered; - Reg: DRP546FS; - Register No: MBC318W; - Vin: ADV16049A903C0674; - Colour: Black; - Year: 2009; - Condition: Good, Tyres: 65%. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of stationery for Community Services. Specifications: 1. A4 size notebook journal, marble pattern notepad (must be branded with ELM logo, persons name and department) x 4; 2. File dividers with letters x 40; 3. Box of A4 brown envelopes x 1; 4. Arch lever files x 100; 5. Box of A4 photocopier paper (white) x 100; 6. Big clear Sellotape x 100; 7. Box of pencils x 2; 8. Box of black pens x 6; 9. External hard drive x 10. Delivery address: Elundini Local Municipality, No. 1 Seller Street, Nqanqarhu 5480. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Consumables (bricklaying). Specifications: - Building sand x 30m cubed; - Bag lime x 60; - 8 Tork/plaster x 15000; - Face/first brick x 15000; - Trome/s x 55; - (Long stabila) sprint level x 50; - ( Short stabila) sprint level x 50; - Handhwak x 50; - Plastering trowels x 50; - Rubber mallet x 55; - Tape measure (10m) x 65; - Tape measure (5m) x 65; - Tape measure (30m) x 15; - Spades x 25; - Building line x 70; - Club hammer x 50; - Bolsters x 50; - Chisler x 50; - Long jointer square x 50; - Short jointer x 50; - Round jointer x 50; - Wheel jointer x 50; - Brick force x 25; - Roof wire x 20; - Safety goggles x 60; - Musk"s x 50; - Gloves x 50; - Wheelbarrows x 5; - Straight edge (6m) x 15; - D.P.M x 4 roles; - D.P.C 220 x 25 roles; - D.P.C 330 x 25; - Rakes x 15; - Outdoor Brow (heavy duty) x 20; - Plievs (heavy duty) x 15; - 14 Pounds Sledge Hammer x 4; - Faced shield (heavy duty) x 10; - Apron leather (heavy duty) x 20; - Water Pipe level 6 x 5; - Pencil Construction x 50; - Blackboard chalk x 20 boxes; - Snippy tool x 10; - Steel clap x 10; - Bevelled level flexible x 30; - Ear muffs x 30; - Slump test cone set x 2; - Pich x 4; - Cold chisel x 50; - Vich hammer x 50; - Screed rail x 20; - Y12 reinforcing bar (6m) x 10; - Step ladder; - Crow bar x 20; - Corner tool x 20; - Knee caps x 20; - Tool boxes x 20. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

6640--Chemistry IA Bridge - VHA Southern Nevada Healthcare System Source: Federal Business Opportunities