48th LRS R-11 HYDRANT CONVERTER (Offre №100194848fr)


Country: United States
Langue: UK
Nombre: 100194848
Date de publication: 23-02-2024

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Accès total
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: NDPW&I Kimberley Regional Office: Purchasing of Toilet paper, 2 ply (350 Sheets, white), once off. Scope: - 48 x 1000 bales. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: NDPW&I Kimberley Regional Office: Purchasing of cleaning material once off. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procure an accredited service provider for face-face in house bid committee training for 60 officials to be split into 2 groups from for 60 officials. Scope of work: The course should be presented Face-Face over a period of five (05) days and cover the following areas: - Categories of Public Sector Procurement in South Africa; - Public Procurement objectives in South Africa as contained in the constitution; - Generic procurement procedures; - Procurement thresholds; - Methods for incorporating quality aspects in the procurement procedure; - Typical considerations when selecting a specific procurement procedure; - Mechanisms for incorporating quality into procurement documents; - Procurement of leases and focus on how the relevant regulation for BBBEE is applied and transform the property industry through public procurement regulations; - Use of quadrant comparator to interpret achievement of targeted procurement objectives; - Single volume approach to the compilation of procurement documents; - Three volume approach to the compilation of procurement documents; - Stages ad gates associated with the control framework associated with infrastructure procurement; - Control framework for procurement (acquisition and contract management processes); - CIDB tender value range designation; - Summary of CIDB grading criteria; - CIDB financial capability criteria; - CIDB and infrastructure procurement; - Construction and compliance monitor; - CIDB grading designation, - Relationship between the CIDB prescripts and the procurement regulatory framework; - Alignment of PFMA and the CIDB prescripts; - How does the IDMS system compliment the CIDB; - The infrastructure Delivery Management Systems (IDMS); - Compiling a sound, reasonable and objective functionality criteria; - How to minimize the bias functionality criteria; - What to capture in the minutes of bid committee meeting; - Unscheduled maintenance- the correct process to go out on tender; - Scheduled maintenance - What are the documented processes that guide maintenance in the public service; - Probable reasons for cancelling tenders; - Essential tender data; - Conditions under which procedures may be utilized (SANS 10845-1); - Generic tender evaluation method; - Standard methods for procuring different classes of construction contracts; - Methods for addressing quality in procurement provided for in SANS 294; - Measurement of participation goals by target groups; - Documents that relates to tender and contract; - Thresholds including VAT, for reporting the award of a contract or an order to the relevant treasury; - End of stage variables; - Threshold for gateway reviews of major capital projects; - B-BBEE level of contributor for both 80:20 and 90:10 preferencing systems; - Steps associated with best value process in construction procurement; - Diagrammatic representation of the value for money concepts; - Contractor grading designations; - An example of an unbundled contract to accommodate small contractors; - The concept of offer and Acceptance; - Decision criteria for the selection of a form of contract for construction and maintenance projects; - Process of determining the grading of a tender; - Methodology of applying the 20% rule when determining the grading designation of a tender; - Recommended approach to the evaluation of quality in tender submission; - The difference between the two: quotation and tender; - The difference between Scope of work and Specification of project (where one is applicable); - Application of preferential points systems and calculation of points; - Main reasons why projects fails; - Non-performance of service providers; - Lack of negotiation skills; - Legislative acts applicable to Quorum matters and the role of Co-opted member, - Guidelines for negotiating a price offer and - Guidelines for rescinding a contract. Required at: Port Elizabeth. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Siyathemba SAPS (Kathu): Service air conditioners. Specifications: - Service 11 x air conditioners in Block A. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

24KSP09 Bf. Cölbe; Gleiserneuerung_GE Gl331, Weichenerneuerung_WE W308 Source: Deutschen Bahn AG

VB GE Arnstadt - Neudietendorf / km 6,2 - 1,5 / ES 6298 Neudietendorf - Ritschenhausen Source: Deutschen Bahn AG