E-mail: steven.rodgers@aes.com
Téléphone: +44 2893381206
United KingdomVille: Belfast
Adresse: AES Kilroot Power Limited
AES Kilroot Power Station, Larne Road, Carrickfergus
BT38 7LX
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): BT38 7LX
For the attention of: Steven Rodgers
Telephone: +44 2893381206
E-mail: steven.rodgers@aes.com
Internet address(es):General address: http://www.aes.com
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.aesukireland.com
Electronic access to information: https://aes.box.com/s/nbrjrw3jk8qi1m2dtv7rsaiorjip18t2