London Borough of Hounslow (Hounslow, United Kingdom CSTMR№59239): contacts, adresse, e-mail, offres. Page № 2

E-mail: [email protected]
Téléphone: +44 2085835771
Country: United Kingdom
Ville: Hounslow
Adresse: London Borough of Hounslow
Civic Centre, Lampton Road
United Kingdom
Contact person: TW3 4DN
Telephone: +44 2085835771
E-mail: [email protected]
NUTS code: UKI23
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:

Contrats: 66
offres: 216
Source: TED
Le site publie des informations sur les contrats de manière sélective.

total: 90
29 jul
Dukes Meadows Promenade Approach Restoration Project (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 250 184 (EUR)
Montant original: 220 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 108221950

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

25 jul
Cycling Facilities in Parks and Open Spaces in the London Borough of Hounslow (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 45 488 (EUR)
Montant original: 40 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 108056193

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

20 jun
Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) Treatment (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 454 880 (EUR)
Montant original: 400 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 106249922

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

18 jun
Ecological Review of the Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation in the London Borough of Hounslow (LBH) (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 284 300 (EUR)
Montant original: 250 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 106137728

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

06 jun
School Cycle Training (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 272 928 (EUR)
Montant original: 240 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 105632325

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

06 jun
Adult & Family Cycle Training (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 127 366 (EUR)
Montant original: 112 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 105632327

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

17 may
Grey to Green- Design and Oversight (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 28 430 (EUR)
Montant original: 25 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 104575858

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

12 apr
The Brentford Beeline - Design and Enabling Works (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 129 641 (EUR)
Montant original: 114 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 102738032

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

08 mar
The 'Better Homes, Better Health Scheme' (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 341 160 (EUR)
Montant original: 300 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 100974521

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

15 feb

Nombre: 99672777

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

06 feb
Prix du contrat de départ: 272 928 (EUR)
Montant original: 240 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 99114306

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

05 feb
Provision of the Ludlow Open Space Access Improvement Works (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 199 010 (EUR)
Montant original: 175 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 99034176

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

01 feb
Farnell Road Open Space Landscaping Works - Farnell Road, Isleworth, TW7 6EY (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 399 157 (EUR)
Montant original: 351 000 (GBP)

Client: London Borough of Hounslow

Nombre: 98839758

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Contracts Finder

et autres ... Clients

Nombre: 59233

Country: France

Source: TED

Nombre: 59235

Country: Denmark

Source: TED

Nombre: 59236

Country: France

Source: TED

Nombre: 59237

Country: France

Source: TED

Nombre: 59238

Country: Germany

Source: TED