Код ДК 021:2015 – 34730000-3–Товар – Частини повітряних і космічних літальних апаратів та вертольотів (пропелери карбонові 1855, регулятор ходу HOBBYWING) (Offre №113168962fr)


Country: Ukraine
Langue: UA
Nombre: 113168962
Date de publication: 30-10-2024
Prix du contrat de départ: 412 (EUR)
Montant original: 14 931 (UAH)


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Ugent FDR of road at Rajnagar GP under PWD, Sub-Division-II, PWD(RandB), Udaipur / SH construction of RCC retaining wall at Narayan Nagar Colony near the house of Moin Khan adjacent to PWD road and construction of drain Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Urgent FDR of road from NH-08 (Maruti Showroom) Ch 0.00 to Industry - Sataria road Ch.810.00 m under Tepania RD Block during the year 2024-2025 Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Urgent FDR of road from Hariananda school playground to Badarmukam bridge via Rabindra pally road /SH grouting, carpeting, mtc of drain etc during the year 2024-25 Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Renovation and repairing of the building of District ADR Centre at Dak Bunglow road Udaipur, Gomati District, Tripura, during the year 2024-25./ SH- Construction of temporary sheds, Aluminium partition work, Re-plastering, painting, roof grading, san Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Urgent FDR on road from Thelakum to Darkai Kalai./ S.H. Construction of RCC Box cell Culvert of 3.00 mtr X 3.00 mtr and allied works at Darkai Kalai Para under PWD (RandB) Killa Sub-Division during the year 2024-25 Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Проведення первинного технічного огляду ліфта вантажопасажирського 400 кг за адресою: місто Одеса, проспект Небесної Сотні,30 (6 парадна) Source: ДЕРЖЗАКУПІВЛІ.ОНЛАЙН