Корпус, кнопки "Старт", "Стоп", шафа розподільча, коробка, вентилятор промисловий, пускач магнітний (Offre №108285347fr)


Country: Ukraine
Langue: UA
Nombre: 108285347
Date de publication: 30-07-2024
Prix du contrat de départ: 215 (EUR)
Montant original: 7 783 (UAH)


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Const. of cc road from H-O Jiban Saha to H-O Haradhan Das at Jagaharimura near Kali Mandir and from H-O Ratan Ghosh to H-O Ratna Sutradhar at College Tilla, Adarsha Palli under Ward No-31, AMC Source: Central public Procurement portal India

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