Миришкор туманидаги Елобод ОШПнинг иссиқлик тизимини жорий таъмирлаш (Offre №91082916fr)



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Шарқ Юлдузи МФЙсида жайлашган 3 оилавий поликлиникаси ички ва ташқи биноларини жорий таъмирлаш ишлари Source: ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ТЕНДЕРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ГОСЗАКУПОК В СФЕРЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ

Нурота тумани "Э.Судур" МФЙ У.Юсупов к. 4А уйни ва Дўстлик к. 7,9,11 уйларни йўлакларини бетонлаш, У.Юсупов к. 4А уйни ва Дўстлик к. 7,9 уйларни ташқи ёритиш тизимини таъмирлаш ва янгисига алмаштириш Source: ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ТЕНДЕРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ГОСЗАКУПОК В СФЕРЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ

Ғузор туманидаги 41-ОП Ескибоғнинг иссиқлик тизимини жорий таъмирлаш Source: ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ТЕНДЕРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ГОСЗАКУПОК В СФЕРЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ

The Guildford E-bike hire scheme will be Surrey County Councils pilot on-street public e-bike hire scheme, being delivered in collaboration with Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and the University of Surrey. All three organisations share a common goal to promote cycling as an attractive, accessible, and practical mode of transport and have worked together to identify and facilitate the deployment of an e-bike scheme in Guildford. The introduction of an e-bike concession, which will operate in and around Guildford town centre, supports the following Partnership strategy and policies: • To promote active travel and the Local Transport Plan (LTP4) to all residents and visitor Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

SCAPE Utilities Consultancy Services Framework EWNI Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

SC230178 - Investment, Financial Due Diligence Support Services Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder