pour travaux de terrassement: appels d'offres, marchés publics 2025. Page № 6


total: 167
02 oct

Nombre: 91478491

Country: South Africa


29 sep

Nombre: 91387977

Source: Gebiz

25 sep

Nombre: 91259329

Source: Gebiz

06 sep
NCC1235 Seton Hall Earthworks and Groundworks (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 3 980 199 (EUR)
Montant original: 3 500 000 (GBP)

Client: Advance Northumberland Limited

Nombre: 90437360

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

03 sep
A417 Missing Link - Fly Up Drainage, Earthworks & Kerbs (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 113 720 (EUR)
Montant original: 100 000 (GBP)


Nombre: 90336672

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

02 sep
A417 Missing Link - Road Widening Drainage, Earthworks & Site Clearance (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 227 440 (EUR)
Montant original: 200 000 (GBP)


Nombre: 90298989

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

01 sep
A417 Missing Link - Compound Drainage and Earthworks (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 284 300 (EUR)
Montant original: 250 000 (GBP)


Nombre: 90236609

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

27 aug
NCC1235 Seton Hall Earthworks and Groundworks (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 3 980 199 (EUR)
Montant original: 3 500 000 (GBP)

Client: Advance Northumberland Limited

Nombre: 89931512

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

17 aug
Grinaker-LTA (Pty) Ltd, the main contractor on the upgrading of National Route 3, Section 3 from Gladys Manzi Road (Km 5.9) to New England Road Interchange (Km 9.0) hereby invites current and prospective suppliers and subcontractors to apply to be registered on the Subcontractor and Supplier Database. The works involve the following but are not limited to: Construction Works: a) Erection and maintenance of the contractor"s camp site; b) Clearing and grubbing; c) Removal of trees; d) Provision of traffic control facilities; e) Management of traffic control facilities and traffic safety as part of the accommodation of traffic; f) Construction and clearing of drains; g) Installation of prefabricated culverts including inlet and outlet structures; h) Concrete channelling and concrete linings for open drains; i) Construction of concrete paving, kerbs and channels; j) Construction of small concrete and other structures; Construction of concrete walkways; k) Pitching, stonework and protection against erosion; l) Construction of gabions; m) Patching and repairing edge breaks; n) Erection of guardrails; o) Landscaping; p) Fencing; q) Road signs; r) Road markings; s) Finishing the road and road reserve; t) Site Security Services; u) Haulage of Materials; v) Supply of plant; w) Supply of fuel; x) Specialised subcontract work such as: i. Construction of concrete pavements; ii. Laying of asphalt using; asphalt pavers; iii. Structural concrete such as culvert and bridges; iv. Crushing of materials; v. Precast manufacture; vi. Batch plant erection and operations; vii. Earthworks, Layer-works construction; viii. Structural steel fabrication, erection. Supplier Contracts for: Security Services, Diesel, Plant Hire and Training service providers. It is envisaged that construction will commence towards the Beginning of September 2023. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. (EN) Ajouter aux favoris

Nombre: 89363282

Country: South Africa