Développement de sites Web: appels d'offres, marchés publics 2025. Page № 3


total: 381
11 sep
RIM Website Development Ajouter aux favoris
Client: e-GP System

Nombre: 110685421

Source: e-GP System

11 sep
Revamping The Website for Greater Cochin development Authority (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: eTendering System Government of Kerala

Nombre: 110712533

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

07 sep

Nombre: 110508742

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

05 sep

Nombre: 110338820

Country: Indonesia

Source: RFQ

05 sep
Ocean Country Partnership Programme: Maldives Phase 2 development of Maldives PCA Website (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 17 058 (EUR)
Montant original: 15 000 (GBP)


Nombre: 110398725

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder

04 sep
Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the updating, hosting, maintenance and supporting of the current Water RDI website for a period of two (02) years. The objective is to invite experienced service provider for the updating, hosting, maintenance and supporting of the current water RDI website. The solution must cater for the following need: • Transferring the existing website and all its functionality to the new service provider, • Update the website based on content and structure provided by the project management team (this may include addition of adding/removing pages, changing/updating content, refreshing overall site ‘look and feel’, etc, • Keep the same URL, • Once the site has been updated, a minimum of 24 hours maintenance support should be provided, over the two year implementation period, to undertake future updates, changes as requested by the client in the implementation period of the contract (this should be costed per hour on the proposal, the WRC will only pay for the hours it uses for maintenance support). • Training to be offered as part of handover once the website development is complete. • Develop and document the architecture of the website. • All the relevant documentation relating to system design (databases, content, passwords, architectural diagrams, backend code, etc.…) to be handed over once the website development is complete. • Develop Manual for content upload. • The website must be developed with robust SEO strategies to enhance visibility and ranking on search engines. • The service provider must report monthly on basic website usage/traffic analytics. • Website must be backed-up to manage risk if the site goes down. Please note that this bid was published late. (EN) Ajouter aux favoris

Nombre: 110325628

Country: South Africa


30 aug
E-Tender for Designing, Development, Hosting and Maintenance of GST website (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: Central public Procurement portal India

Nombre: 110080763

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

25 aug

Nombre: 109748256

Country: India

Source: RFQ

16 aug

Nombre: 109275775

Country: Albania

Source: United Nations

15 aug

Nombre: 109224707

Country: Canada

Source: www.merx.com

14 aug
AMC website Development Ajouter aux favoris
Client: e-GP System

Nombre: 109134074

Source: e-GP System

14 aug
Customized Website Development and Maintenance for National cGMP facility NRGCBIO (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Client: Central public Procurement portal India

Nombre: 109152795

Country: India

Source: Central public Procurement portal India

07 aug

Nombre: 108744982

Country: Switzerland

Source: RFQ

07 aug

Nombre: 108745003

Country: Ukraine

Source: RFQ

02 aug
Website Development, Hosting, Support & Maintenance Tender (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Prix du contrat de départ: 17 058 (EUR)
Montant original: 15 000 (GBP)

Client: Dunstable Town Council

Nombre: 108497794

Country: United Kingdom

Source: gov.uk Contracts Finder