Obras de renovación de la red de abastecimiento desde el depósito hasta la entrada del casco urbano (Offre №115657391fr)


Country: Spain
Langue: ES
Nombre: 115657391
Date de publication: 09-12-2024

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Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of splicing and pulley lagging for Richards Bay on an as and when required basis for a period of sixty (60) months. Task to be performed on splicing: • Cold splicing; • Hot splicing; • Clip splicing; • Roll up of conveyor belt; • Super screws; • Conveyor belt repairs. Task to be performed on pulley lagging: • Pulley lagging using ceramic; • Diamond pulley lagging; • Pulley crowning. Minimum of 3 splicing crews is required each crew to have: • 1 x Supervisor; • 2 x Semi-Skilled Splicers. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the provision of industrial cleaning services at Engineering Workshops for a period of 3 months as per scope of work. Scope of works: The work consists of thorough cleaning of all oil/grease contaminated ground surfaces for All Engineering Workshops (Straddle, CVR, Civils and Cranes) at Durban Container Terminal Pier 2, for a period of three (3) months. Activities include the following but is not limited to: a) Cranes Workshop (spreader workshop) (entrance, exits, workshop platforms, railings), b) Straddle Workshop including Oil store wash bay, effluent plant and Fuel tank farm (entrance, exits, workshop platforms, railings), c) CVR High Bay and Low Bay (entrance, exits, workshop platforms, railings), d) Electrical Workshop, (entrance, exits, workshop platforms, railings), e) Pressure Cleaning at CVR Workshop (throughout the external yard where equipment is parked), f) Drain jetting (unblocking) at CVR Workshop wash bay. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of various technical spares for Ladysmith and Alrode Stores. Specifications: - Module, 16 Channel Relay, P/N: 3500/33; - Module, 3500/42M; - Accelerometer, Vibration Sensonics; - UPS, Stand Alone, O/P 10 KVA, I/P 50 HZ; - UPS, Single Phase, 220 V, 220 V, 5 KVA. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: Proposals are hereby requested for maintenance, repairs and replacement of Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system and chillers at pump stations and terminals. Scope of works: This scope of work is for the maintenance, repairs and replacement of HVAC system and Chillers that are installed at the following pump stations and terminals: • Twini Pump Station: Old Main Road, Amanzimtoti, • Mngeni Booster station: Stockville Rd, Mahogany Ridge, Westmead, Pinetown, • Hilltop Pump Station: Chief Mhlabunzima Rd, Copesville, Pietermaritzburg, • Duzi Booster station: Ottos Bluff Rd, Dunimarle, Pietermaritzburg, • Mooi River Booster station: District Rd (D54), Mooi River, • Mnambithi Pump Station: Un-named road off R600, on farm Kranskloof 13091, Ladysmith, • Fort Mistake Booster station: Off N11, Newcastle, • Warden Metering Station: Rondavel 1674, Farm Road, Harrismith, • Villiers Metering Station: Niemandskraal, Farm Road, Cornelia, • Wilge Booster station: S159, Frankfort, Wilge River, • Island View Terminal: Cnr Taiwan & Trinidad Rd,Island View, Durban, • Jameson Park Terminal: Cnr R42 Poortjie Road, Nigel, Heidelberg, • Alrode Pump Station: 35 Garfield Street, Alberton, • Waltloo Delivery Station: 274 Alwyn Street, Waltloo, Pretoria, • Durban Pump Station: Cnr Abadan & Sumatra Rd, Islandview, Durban. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: ICT - Hardware: Supply 6 each x interface communication unit. Specifications: CU-XE (2 x Ethernet Interfaces, RS485/RS422, RS232). Including SCADA License, supports the following protocol: IEC 62056-21, DLMS, IEC 60870-5-104, DHCP Ethernet speed of 10-BASE-TX and 100-BASE-TX. Delivery Date: 2025/02/27. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Wurzelstockfräsungen in diversen Friedhöfen Source: Wiener Stadtwerke Holding