Bids are hereby requested for the following: Security at Mashishing Labour Centre for 36 months. Specifications: - Security Officer-Grade C unarmed Day Shift, (Daily 06:00-18:00), Qty: 2 - Security Officer-Grade C unarmed Night Shift, (Daily: 18:00-06:00), Qty: 2, - Security aids: (a) Portable hand held 2 way radios (to be programmed to successful bidder’s frequency), Qty: 2, (b) Firearms Not required, (c) Torches (Re-chargeable), Qty: 2, (d) Handheld metal detector, Qty: 2, (e) Batons, Qty: 2, (f) Pocket books and pens (each per security officer), Qty: 4, (g) Handcuffs, Qty: 4, (h) Serviceable cellular phones with sufficient airtime and camera, Qty: 1, (i) Pepper spray, Qty: 4, (j) Whistle, Qty: 4, (k) Occurrence book to be provided for the period of contract, Qty: 1 at all times, (l) Monitoring system: Patrol point (Install, manage and maintain Monitoring system), Qty: 7. (Offre №99023911fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 99023911
Date de publication: 05-02-2024

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Accès total
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Servicing, repairing and installing new LED flood lights for Transnet Port Terminals at Richards Bay. Specifications: - LHM 09 lights repair: Service, repair and install new LED flood lights, Liebherr for Port of Richards Bay - Dry Bulk Terminal (DBT) x 1. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

National Health Laboratory Service invites proposals for Removal, Supply and Fit Extraction Fan at NHLS Public Health Lab. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Refuse removal and clearing of illegal waste dumping. Place where goods, works or services are required: 37 Murchison Street, Newcastle, 2940. Please note that this bid was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and instal anchor blocks fencing at Greenbushes Site under the Port Elizabeth Sentech OC office. Specifications: Supply and deliver and install concrete palisade: There are four anchor blocks present on site with each having a perimeter of 76.5m; the anchor blocks to be fitted with a gate; • Perimeter: 306; • Palisade fence height: 1.8m; • Width/section: 2m; • Four swinging gates to be 1.2m each; • Posts overall length: 2400 x 230 x 150 tapered to 80mm; • Pales 1800 x 80 x 110 tapered to 80mm; • Rails 1990 x 75 x 150mm with 9 x 10mm Holes; • Fixing bolts 8mm carriage bolts; • Concrete precast to be a minimum of 20-24 mPa at 28 days; • Installation foundation to be 460x460mm x 600mm deep; • Minimum of 15-20 mPa concrete; • The posts are spaced at 2.0m centres and area; • Slotted to take 2 horizontal rails; • Each vertical pale is bolted by 2 x 8mm nuts and bolts (top and bottom). Foundation: • Post foundation shall be 600mm deep x 460 x 460mm with 30 mPa concrete. Gate: • The site is to be fitted with four (4) gates and are to be constructed with the same stature and height; • The gates are to be 1.2m pedestrian steel swing gates; • The gates should be fitted with heavy duty hinges. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

The South African State Theatre invites tenders for the following: Roof Repair and waterproofing of the following: - Opera Theatre 2000m², - Office Block 625m², - Drama Theatre 1500m², - Arena Theatre 575m². Source: ONLINE TENDERS

National Health Laboratory Service invites tenders to supply and install air conditioners in various labs in Mpumalanga. Source: ONLINE TENDERS