Addendum: Amendment to Document and closing date and time: Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) invites tenders for the appointment of a contractor for the supply, installation and commissioning of a medium voltage underground cable link of approximately 150m from a new Eskom point of supply to the existing network. Scope: The work covered under this contract shall consist of the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Medium Voltage Underground Cable Link of Approximately 150m from a New Eskom Point of Supply to the Existing Customer Network as indicated in Part C4. The Contractor shall use special care to protect public and private property. The Contractor shall take special care so as not to damage any utilities and structures in the process of executing the works. The Contractor can only start on completion of the new Eskom Point-of-Supply. High Level Activities to be undertaken by the Contractor, not limited to the following: • Overall Project Management, Coordination & Reporting. • Compilation & submission of Project Implementation Plan. • Risk Management & reporting. • Execution of the works. • Full time Health and Safety Officer (SACPCMP CHSO registration) on site. • Removal of waste from site and disposal thereof appropriately. • Community liaison. • Monthly consultation & reporting with the Client & other relevant stakeholders, as applicable. • Monthly monitoring and reporting of Milestones & Labour Issues, extent of applicability to be determined. • Compilation and Submission of Project Close out Report. Please note that this tender was published late. (Offre №94446870fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 94446870
Date de publication: 17-11-2023

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