Re-Advertisement: Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the sourcing of service provider to develop gender equality and women’s empowerment service offering and gender mainstreaming tools for the DBSA. Expected outputs and Deliverables: The appointed Service Provider, managed by the DBSA ESG Unit in collaboration with the DBSA’s Gender Working Group, is expected to deliver Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment service offering and provide tools to support for the deployment of the gender mainstreaming strategy in the DBSA operations in alignment with the updated Environmental Social Management System. This Gender Mainstreaming project is meant to suit the DBSA’s specific needs and scope as follows: 1. Design and develop three (3) DBSA’s Gender lensfinancing products that will address financial and non-financial gender gaps in infrastructure and reduce barriers for women owned/led enterprises as follows: a. GEWE financing product/service offering. b. DBSA’s Women and youth technical assistance programmes c. DBSA’s enabling environment programmes. 2. Recommend implementation modalities with clearly defined measures/indicators of success, M&E tools, templates and guidelines for effective execution of the proposed financing product/s. Recommendations to take into account the Bank’s existing Environmental and Social Safeguard Standards, the Just Transition Framework and development impact measures and tools. Provide technical tools for Gender Mainstreaming as follows: a. Design tools for disaggregated data collection, reporting and monitoring and methodologies that include realistic short- and long-term gender-responsive indicators of success. 3. Develop the DBSA Gender Mainstreaming Handbook. The handbook must have: a. Introduction chapter providing background context for the DBSA, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), DBSA’s Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and position etc. b. Various chapters per country where the DBSA has investments and each of the chapters per country must cover: i. A list of critical or relevant gender legislative requirements and protocols per country. ii. Contact details and addresses of the Gender focal points for country. iii. Contact details and addresses of various NGOs /interests groups on gender equality. c. A chapter on SADC Protocols on Gender, Green Climate Fund (GCF) requirements, and Global Environmental Facility (GEF)’s gender requirements. The scope is limited to product and service development and enhancements in order to enable further alignment with the DBSA business current operating model, culture, strategy, DBSA, Values and Behaviours. The duration of the programme should be informed by the content but not exceed six months (6 months). Place where goods, works or services are required: Lever Road, Headway Hill, Johannesburg, 1685. Please confirm the closing time as two closing times were published. (Offre №94140332fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 94140332
Date de publication: 13-11-2023

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