Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: First Aid Training for CHDM Employees. Scope: Course Outline: - Explain the principle of advanced first aid in emergencies, - Access and manage an emergency scene/disaster, - Store first aid emergency equipment is regularly checked and maintained. (Offre №91038749fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 91038749
Date de publication: 15-09-2023

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Accès total
Onderstepoort Biological Products invites quotations from service providers/suitably registered companies for the following: Provision of OBP corporate brochure as per specifications. Scope: • Design and content update where necessary: 4 pages (cover), 8 pages. All to be branded OBP/Onderstepoort Biological Products, all information needed will be provided. Please note that this RFQ was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of waste removal for period of 12 months at Chief Dawid Stuuurman International Airport for Airports Company of South Africa. Scope of work: The key objectives for this programme are to: - Sort, store, transport, recycle waste in line with legal requirements; - Ensure reduction of waste transported to landfill/disposal sites(s); - Ensure that there are sufficient facilities for handling and disposal of waste within the airport; - Ensure that the Airport"s waste is disposed of in a responsible manner, i.e. at approved landfill/disposal sites; - Ensure that waste streams do not result to a nuisance to Airport users; - Ensure scalability of money payable depending on waste generated per month. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Onderstepoort Biological Products invites quotations from service providers/suitably registered companies for the following: Provision of Water dispenser x 1 as per specifications. Scope: • Modern silver finish; • Free standing unit with Compressor (non-plumbed); • Complete with Purifier & Mineralizer (Bottle + Carbon Combo Filter set); • Hot and Cold-water outlets; • Cooling Power 90w; • Cooling Capacity: 2.8L per Hour (4°C - 12°C); • 20 Cups Cold; • Heating Power 500w; • Heating Capacity: 5L per Hour (85°C - 95°C); • 30 Cups Hot; • Packing Dimensions (mm): 340 x 330 x 990mm; • Boxed Weight: 14.0kg. Please note that this RFQ was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to the Tender Documents: Eastern Cape Department of Public Works invites tenders to construct new ablutions, repairs and renovations to Cala Depot phase 1. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of fire beaters x 300. Specifications: • Fire resistance rubber beater: size: 12 x 15cm; • Thickness: 5 – 9mm; • Material of handle: Beach wood; • Material of joint: Steel; • Outer diameter of joint: 35mm; • Wood handle: Length 120cm. Delivery address: Elundini Local Municipality, No. 1 Seller Street, Nqanqarhu 5480. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to dispose redundant miscellaneous electronics assets/equipment. Scope of work: a) Sorting, recycling, and collection of assets at SABC; b) Give an offer on the assets; c) Service provider will be required to dispose any unwanted items as waste, in environmental friendly manner. Source: ONLINE TENDERS