Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a competent training service provider to provide for NQF level 5 GRAP update unit standard ID: 119350 for twenty (20) officials of the Department of Transport Government Fleet Managements-Trading Entity. Scope: The appointed service provider is expected to: • Provide accredited NQF level 5 (SAQA unit standard ID: 119350) GRAP Update Training to twenty (20) officials; • Provide assessments to candidates in line with the requirements of the SAQA ID qualification; • Provide own training equipment. e.g., overhead projector, stationery; • Facilitation of the training will take place in East London, Eastern Cape at a venue provided by a service provider/bidder accommodating twenty (20) candidates; • Provide competency certificates after completion of training; • Provide training for a period of five (5) days. (Offre №90777578fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 90777578
Date de publication: 11-09-2023

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Кабель /хүчний/ Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Цахилгааны хүчдэлийг нэмэгдүүлэх /0,4 шугамын өргөтгөл/ Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Нийтийн зориулалттай орон сууцны дээврийн засварын ажил (СБД, 5 дугаар хороо) Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем


Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of electricity fuse links as per specification in the document. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: appointment of a competent external service provider to organize and project manage wellness event - Heritage day celebration for the Department of Transport Government Fleet Management Services-Trading Entity. Scope: The appointed service provider is expected to perform the following tasks: 1. Provide services on the September 22nd for Heritage Day for all GFMS employees; 2. Provide all the necessary logistics such as: • Decoration (Traditional); • Venue (accommodating a minimum of 109 people); • Master of Ceremonies; • Morning and afternoon tea; • Buffet lunch; • Heritage activities: - Traditional dance group and; - Traditional music singer/s. Source: ONLINE TENDERS