Re-Advertisement: Amendment to tender documents and contract number: ZNB01845/00000/00/HOD/GEN/23/T. Suitable service providers are invited to bid for the following: Review of the economic viability study results for all modes of land public transport for the 10 municipality districts in KwaZulu-Natal for a period of 24 months. Scope: Area of the Study: • Review the public transport operations in the Province on a case by case; • Impact of the intervention; • Process audit (how activities and outputs are leading to outcomes and impacts). There are several activities required to undertake the project. These include the following: • Regular steering committee meetings; • Approval of inception report; • Submission of draft theory of change log frame; • Approval of report structure, final data collection instruments and other tools; • Approval of analysis plan; • Submission of other technical reports; • Submission of other technical reports; • Submission of Draft Evaluation Report for review in 1/3/25 format; • Workshop with stakeholders to discuss draft report; • Approval of the final Study Reports; • Proposed changes to intervention design if needed; • Submission of all data sets, metadata and survey documentation (including interview when data is collected); • Submission of power point or audio-visual presentation of the result presentation of the results; • Project closing meeting. Please confirm the contract number. (Offre №89379044fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 89379044
Date de publication: 17-08-2023

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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of Diesel dispensing pump. Specifications: Technical Specification - Suction Model; Delivery Speed: Up to 140 L/min; Strainer Specifications: 1 Strainer fitted on Incoming product line (200 Mesh); Motor Specifications: Operating Supply Voltage 220V - 230V 50 Hz; 0.55KW (¾ HP) CW Single Phase motor; Peak Starting Current ± 20 Amp; Peak Operating Current ± 7 Amp; Number of hoses: 1 x Single UHV Hose and Nozzle; Number of Products (inlet lines): 1 (one); Safety Breakaway Couplings: Ellaflex nozzle breaks per hose (non-reusable); Nozzle Boot with automatic reset: Inbuilt locking device and automatic device reset switch per nozzle boot; Nozzle type: Ellaflex - ZVA 32 - 1.25" Automatic Nozzle with single plane swivel; Hoses: Length = 7m , Diameter = 25mm (Good Year or equivalent - oil resistant hose; Fuel Types: Diesel. Delivery address: Municipality Stores, Floryn Street, Marias Industrial, Vredenburg, 7380. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Painting of road markings in Botrivier. Specifications: - 9000m x Supply and spray of 100mm white lines; - 2000m x Supply and spray new lines 100mm; - 80 x Supply and spray of stop streets in Botrivier; - 15 x Supply and spray parallel bays; - 3 x Supply and spray disabled parking bays; - Traffic accommodation. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Décor for the Women’s Month events. Scope: 1. Décor for 500 people front draping chair covers, center pieces, under plates, round table cloths, napkins, glasses, Indoor Activity to be held in Vereeniging City Hall; • Two Local Artist x 2; • PA System x 1; 2. Women in Sports Tournament Décor for 50 people: - Waterproof Stretch 7m x 12m; - 50 Gold VIP Chairs; - 3 Trestle tables; - 3 Table cloths; - 15m Red-carpet; - 5 Fresh flowers; • Two Local Artist x 2; • Platform Stage 4mx4m x 1; • PA System x 1: Outdoor Activity to be held at Saul Tsotetsi Stadium. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the supply & delivery of weed killer. Specifications: - 20LT Springbok, qty: 25; - 20LT Simazine, qty: 5. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Framework or panel contract for rendering catering services as and when required for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Scope: Catering services: - INSETA wishes to enter into a contract with not more than three (3) service provider to provide inhouse catering services for a period of 24 months. - The catering provider is expected to deliver catering service as and when required. - Provide the crockery and cutlery, excluding the furniture (tables, chairs) - The service provider must be able to provide for halal and vegetarian diet. - Be responsible for maintaining and cleaning the utilized serving areas upon completion of each event. - Ensure that all work performed, and all equipment used at INSETA facilities is in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act no. 85 of 1993) and any regulations promulgated in terms of this Act and the standard instructions of INSETA. Please note that this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to render Events Management Services for Miss/Mr MUT 2023. Scope: 1. Sound system; 2. Lighting; 3. 2 x Imax projector; 4. Director of the event; 5. T piece stage to be connected to inhouse stage (4m x 2m) (6m x 2m). Please note that this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS