Erratum: Amendment to Closing Date. Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for turnkey (design and construction) service for drainage system upgrade, embankment, stream works, and railway works with formation rehabilitation between Grasmere and Residensia Station for a period of six (6) months. Scope: - Investigation and report on the problems regarding the storm water control system, the stability of the track formation and retaining structures. Hydrological survey of the area to determine the relevant storm water characteristics shall be included. - Ascertain the extent of the works, with respect to the washaway on railway infrastructure. - Preparation of a Complete Preliminary Investigation Report Detailing the extent of the problem highlighting the different problem areas as well as recommending specific solution to the problem. - Following the acceptance and approval of the report by PRASA the preparation of Complete Detail Designs in accordance with the latest Technical Specifications. - Submission of the prepared Detail Designs for construction to PRASA for approval. The following studies and services are required from the Supplier/Consultant in conducting the design and the list is not limited to the following: - Topographical Surveys; - Geotechnical investigations; - Occupation Health and Safety; - Cadastral Surveys; Engineering Surveys; - Service Detection; - Stream modelling, drainage modelling; - Existing roads. (Offre №89174892fr)

Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 89174892
Date de publication: 14-08-2023

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