Addendum: Amendment to Closing date: Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment a service provider to conduct a strategic environment assessment at Transnet National Ports Authority in the Port of Mossel Bay for a period of twelve (12) months. Scope of Work: A service provider is sought to conduct a SEA for TNPA, Port of Mossel Bay, taking into consideration the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment Integrated Environmental Management, Information Series 10, DEAT Pretoria. An environmental service provider will conduct the SEA process by identifying, describing and evaluating all significant effects that the Port Master plan’s implementation might have on the environment. The project should not exceed six to twelve months and should be done in stages taking into account areas of urgency as per the Port Master Plan’s timelines. The service provider will also be responsible for the overall project management, sourcing of specialists where necessary, drafting the SEA documentation, liaison with the project team inclusive of the public participation process. Location of Service: Mossel Bay. (Offre №87683502fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 87683502
Date de publication: 19-07-2023

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