Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of Panel of Experts: POE.12 - Forensic accountants services on an “as-and-when required” basis for a period of 36 months with an option to renew for further two years. Scope of Work: a) To assist the client with Investigations into fraud, corruption and financial mismanagement; b) To pronounce on the accuracy of all calculations concerned, including the accuracy of the amounts charged by and paid to the service providers; c) Financial analysis of, but not limited to, bank statements, invoices, payment documentation, general ledgers and financial statements, comparison between the same, flow of funds and lifestyle audits; d) Determination of over and under payments losses and fraud amounts and methodologies used in committing such crimes; e) Determination of double payments and/or over inflated prices; f) Formula development and testing on excel to determine the relevant outcome required; g) To review all the Variation Orders and to determine the validity thereof compared to legislative prescripts including treasury regulations, MFMA, PFMA and any treasury instruction notes, as well as applicable policies; h) To conduct site visits when required and obtain evidence in a forensic and legal manner; i) To conduct interviews with witnesses in accordance with the Act; j) To apply relevant legislation, rules, standards and guidelines applicable in the forensic accounting environment; k) The ability to utilize a multi-disciplinary approach during the investigation; l) Analysis of documentation and preservation of such documents for judicial purposes. Contract Period: Three (3) years with an option to renew for further two years. Please confirm the closing date as two closing dates were published. (Offre №116051949fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 116051949
Date de publication: 14-12-2024
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 45 jours

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