Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for training - Bricklaying and paving. Scope: 1) Paving; 2) Bricklaying. Specifications: 1) The training must be heavily weighted on the practical component; 2) The training must include formative and summative assessments; 3) After the training is successfully completed the learner must be able to demonstrate the practical skills of being able to do paving and bricklaying; 4) The training must be pitched at an NQF 2 level; 5) The tenderer must be able to provide the necessary tools and equipment to perform the required practical and theoretical training. On completion of the training the learner must be able to: 1) Paving, the candidate must demonstrate all the necessary skills and knowledge to complete the task safely, efficiently and successfully to its original state; 2) Basic Building construction, the candidate must demonstrate the skills and knowledge to complete the task safely, efficiently and successfully to its original state, examples of the skills required will be Building valve boxes with Brick and block, building small chambers, kerbing etc. The service provider must also include catering in their quotation. Coffee and tea, lunch consisting of one starch, one vegetable, one type of meat, salad and one 330ml soda. Special dietary requirements will communicated 2 weeks before the training and must be provided for same amount as normal meal stated above. (Offre №114528758fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 114528758
Date de publication: 21-11-2024

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