Proposals are hereby invited for advertising customer satisfaction survey services for the client. Scope of work: The selected service provider will be responsible for the following tasks: i) Develop a customer satisfaction survey. ii) Distribute the customer satisfaction survey to ECRDA customers, with consideration of the client"s rural footprint, where clients may need to be visited in person. iii) Conduct the survey using appropriate methodologies, including online surveys, telephone interviews, physical interviews, and focus group discussions. iv) Analyze the customer satisfaction survey results and provide the client with a detailed analysis that includes, at a minimum, the following: - Customer satisfaction percentage, - Areas of dissatisfaction, - Reasons for dissatisfaction, with percentages linked to these reasons to facilitate the prioritization of strategies to address these areas. v) Survey should include customer feedback or proposals to enhance client service delivery. vi) Develop a Customer Satisfaction Survey report which provide the agency with all the details of the analysis as well as information on how the survey was conducted. vii) Develop a database of clients and indicate what percentage of clients participated as well as percentage that did not participate and provide reasons for non-participation. Please note that this proposal was published late. (Offre №114346205fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 114346205
Date de publication: 19-11-2024

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