Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Supply, Delivery and offload of Electrical Training panels on a once off purchase. 1. Fully Automatic Pole Changing / Dual Speed Training Panel Timer Type Control (Missing Link) x 8; 2. Fully Automatic Auto Transformer Training Panel, Timer Control (Missing Link) x 7; 3. Cable Phasing / Termination of 1000V Four Core Steel Wired Armoured Cable Training Panel x 7; 4. Slipring ""Hoist"" (Ac Plugging To Neutral) Fwd - Rev Training Panel (Controlled via 3 Step (North - South) Type Joystick Hand Controller) [Fault Finding] x 11; 5. Slip Ring Resistance Starting Training Panel - 3 Stage Starting Control Circuit (Missing Link) x 11; 6. Forward/reverse Training Panels with Contactors, Stop/Start, Rotary Switch, Timers, Lights, Limit Switches and 220V Motors on a Workstation x 7; 7. Three Phase Energy/KWH Training Panels x 7; 8. Three Phase Semi Auto FWD/REV Push Button Training Panels (Missing Links) x 8; 9. Single Phase Semi FWD/REV Training Panels (Missing Links) x 8; 10. Fully Auto Star Delta For/Rev Training Panels (Missing Link) x 7; 11. Fault Finding DC Joystick 3 Step Forward/Reverse Training Panels x 9; 12. Programming & Simulation PLC (8 I/O) Training Panels x 7; 13. Three Phase Auto Fwd/Rev Oscillating Training Panels x 7. (Offre №110450801fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 110450801
Date de publication: 06-09-2024

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