Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Specialized Diving at Water Treatment Facilities. Scope: Assist Municipality on an as and when required basis with diving at Water Treatment Facilities: - Diving in Reservoir(s) within the SBM Boundary (Normal working hours) x 5 Dives; - Diving in Reservoir(s) within the SBM Boundary (After hours, weekends, and public holidays) x 5 Dives. Delivery Date: 06 August 2024. Delivery Address: Municipality Stores, Floryn Street, Marias Industrial, Vredenburg, 7380. (Offre №108825157fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 108825157
Date de publication: 08-08-2024

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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Conduct gravimetric analysis in accordance with (ASTM D1739:1970) dust fallout methodology and report result on monthly basis, Qty: 6. Scope of work: The Air Quality Management Unit under the Urban and Rural Planning Section of the City Development Department is looking to appoint the service provider to conduct gravimetric analysis on ten (10) dust fallout samples and compile a report on monthly basis for a period of six (6) months: - Analysis of ten (10) dust fallout samples (10 samples x 6 months), - Provide a monthly scientific report on results (1 x 6 months). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Radio and TV Transmission: Specifications: TV broadcast service delivery: 5 mins City of uMhlathuze service delivery video broadcast in IsiZulu and English to be aired twice a day, morning and evening for 7 days on a regional TV station Profiling the City’s exceptional work. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Local Office accommodation - WC043 Mossel Bay. Specifications: Basic requirements: • Minimum of One (1) lockable office [single occupant per office], • One (1) open plan lockable office [multiple occupants], • Ablution facilities, • Kitchen area, • Lockable storage area, • Lockable equipment room. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from service providers to supply and install fan coil units and split air-conditioning units. Scope of work 1: Supply and install 6 off fan coil units: Supply and installation of 6 off chilled water fan coil units together with independent powered supplied in-line condensate pumps for 4 off the units in the DMTP office areas: 1. Size and location of fan and coils to be replaced: a. SCADA Room, SAAMBR Technical Workshop: - Input Power = 2870W, - Rated Current = 13A, - Cooling/Heating Capacity = 27 000Btu/h, - EER = 9.4 Btu/v h, - Air Volume = 1900 CFM, b. Ori-lab, SAAMBR: - Input (V/Phase/Hz) = 220-240V/1/50, - Rated Current = 66/0.29 (W) (Amp), - Cooling/Heating Capacity = 4.54/15500 KW/Btu/h, - Air Volume = 1070 CFM, c. Lab 50,Office 27, Office 40 and Office 42 - SAAMBR: - 4 x 3.84 KW Fan and Coil Units, d. All Fan and coils units are to be installed with Independent/dedicated powered supplied in-line condensate pumps, e. New Control and isolation Valves are to be installed for all Fan and Coils Units, 2. General scope of works: • De-commission and remove old units, • Disconnect the electrical supply and make safe, • Supply and installation of new fan and coil unit, • Make good on all building work, new piping and insulation, lagging to be done on chilled water pipes. All building work is the responsibility of the contractor, • All areas that work is carried out in, area must be left clean, and all openings are closed, • All work carried out in areas where there is the presence of animals, arrangements must be made before work commences in that specific area, • All work carried out with the least amount of disturbance to the guests, staff and animals, • All condenser coils must be blue-chem treated (Sea shore treatment) for all indoor and outdoor units, • Ensure ceilings boards are cleaned and replaced correctly, • All piping and Cabling to be ducted or installed inside conjugates boxes / piping and cabling should not be visible. Scope of work 2: Supply and install Split Air Conditioning Units: General scope of works: • De-commission and remove old units, remove Armaflex and remove old copper tubing, • Disconnect the electrical supply and make safe, • Supply and installation of new split type air conditioning units using for R410A gas, • Make good on all building work, new piping and insulation. All building work is the responsibility of the contractor, • All areas that work is carried out in, area must be left clean, and all openings are closed, • All work carried out in areas where there is the presence of animals, arrangements must be made before work commences in that specific area, • All work carried out with the least amount of disturbance to the guests, staff and animals, • All piping and Cabling to be ducted or installed inside conjugates boxes / piping and cabling should not be visible, • All condenser coils must be blue-chem treated (Sea shore treatment) for all outdoor units - Blue Chem Certification must be supplied for each unit and each unit to be labeled accordingly, • Where new power supplies are required, it is the responsibility of the service provider to install the cabling, isolator switches and to do all connections to the relevant DB’s, • 3 AC’s require condensate pumps with piping for the pumping out of the condensate. Size and location of split air conditioning units required: 1. 9 000 btu’s, qty: 6, location: - Parking B, - Parking A x 3, - Mitchelle’s office, - Dolphin ticketing – replace window wall with a split aircon, 2. 12 000 btu’s, qty: 11, location: - Quarantine Lab office, - Ticketing (Supervisor’s office), - Ticketing (Server Room), - Ticketing (Wet ‘n Wild), - Water Quality Lab (includes Condensate Pump & Piping), - Clinic (includes Condensate Pump and Piping), - Dolphin Lookout - ticketing, - Procurement Buyers’ office x2, one, replace window wall with a split aircon and cover whole, - Atlas plantroom, - Dolphin technical room, 3. 18 000 btu’s, qty: 5, location: - Dolphins office x 2, - Microbiology Lab (includes Condensate Pump & Piping), - Quarantine Lab, - SAAMBR Technical rest room, 4. 36 000 btu, qty: 1, location: Curatorial Food Prep, 5. 24000 btu, qty: 1, location: Ori Lab office. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the supply and delivery of mechanical spares. Specifications: - Sprocket 10b-1, Qty: 8, - Tapper bush 30mm, Qty: 8, - 206 bearings, Qty: 20, - Gear box roller door handle, Qty: 10, - 1610-30mm bush, Qty: 8, - Pump ronseal 41192, Qty: 4, - Pump coupling hub flange, Qty: 2, - Pulley DYZV 3 groove 2517, Qty: 2, - V-belt vb10n x587 F SPZ SE, Qty: 5, - Raw bolt m8 x 65mm electro galvanised, Qty: 500, - Raw bolt m6 x 65mm electro galvanised, Qty: 500, - Raw bolt m10 x 70mm electro galvanised, Qty: 500, - Stainless steel nuts m8, Qty: 500, - Stainless steel nuts m6, Qty: 500, - Stainless steel nuts m10, Qty: 500, - Washers’ s/s m8 x 2x1.5mm, Qty: 500, - Washers s/s m6 x 32x1.5mm, Qty: 500, - Washers s/s m10 x 35, Qty: 500, - Pop rivet s/s 4,8mm, Qty: 500, - Butterfly s/s m4 x 50mm, Qty: 500, - Butterfly s/s m4 x 60mm, Qty: 500, - Butterfly s/s m5 x 50mm, Qty: 500, - Gasket rubber 5m wide x 1.2mm roll, Qty: 1. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, Configure and Install Eleven (11) WiFi 6 Access Points at the Presidency Boardrooms and Deputy Ministers Residence. Source: ONLINE TENDERS