Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Ambu Bags, reusable and autoclavable - neonatal, latex free, with reservoir bag x 60 units. Required at: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Province: KwaZulu-Natal, Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. (Offre №108666032fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 108666032
Date de publication: 06-08-2024

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Wykonanie rozbiórki altanek i ogrodzenia na obszarze zlokalizowanym na terenie Parku Akcji Burza oraz pawilonu handlowego usytuowanego przy ul. Bartyckiej w Warszawie wraz z zagospodarowaniem odpadów. Source: ezamowienia.gov.pl

江苏公司泰州电厂粗灰磨细系统扩容项目公开招标项目招标公告 Source: www.chnenergybidding.com.cn

Сурагч ширээ, сандал нийлүүлэх 4-н анги /2 р сургууль/ Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Орон сууцны гадна фасадын засвар Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

All specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience, and resources are invited to submit tenders for the supply and installation of security (access control & CCTV) equipment: Sub-contract project for Contract Number: NWUTR 159 / 2024 PC. Work Entails: The supply and installation of security equipment compliant with the NWU standards. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

The North-West University invites all specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience, and resources to submit tenders for the following project on the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University: Relocate staff from building F4 and E8 with related refurbishment of building E9, Potchefstroom Campus: Construction. Work Entails: the general refurbishments and upgrading of existing three-storey building including carpentry and joinery, ceiling and partitioning, floor covering, paintwork, electrical work, lift and service shaft, fire escape stairs and ramps and air conditioning. The building demonstrates elements of local heritage significance and is subject to conditions and methodologies described and drawn in the documents. Source: ONLINE TENDERS