The South African Social Security Agency hereby invites proposals from potential service providers for the provision of specialized Employee Wellness services to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) for the period of 3 years. Scope: The service will be provided to a staff compliment of approximately 8 000 employees and their families at Head Office (HO) and all nine (9) Regions including District and Local Offices. The counselling services (telephonic and face-to-face) will also cover the employees’ immediate families and dependents (living in the same household). In case of an employee’s death the bereaved family will be legible to receive counselling services up to a period of 6 months after employee’s death. The Employee Wellness Programme will encompass a comprehensive range of services and initiatives aimed at addressing the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of SASSA employees. This includes but is not limited to: a) Health promotion and disease prevention activities; b) Mental health support and counseling services; c) Stress management programs; d) Work-life balance initiatives; e) Financial wellness workshops and resources; f) Substance abuse prevention and intervention programs; g) Referral to medical and healthcare services; h) Spiritual Wellness; i) Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs); j) Support for employees facing challenges related to the BPR or similar processes. Project Location: SASSA’s HO Employee Wellness Unit will manage the contract and is based in Pretoria. The Bidder’s Account Manager/s must be available/accessible for HO and all regions as and when required. (Offre №107511167fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 107511167
Date de publication: 16-07-2024

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