Re-advertisement: Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Training of SCM Bids Committees and other role players involved in SCM processes, number of delegates: 34 delegates. Please confirm the closing date as it falls on a Saturday. (Offre №105377605fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 105377605
Date de publication: 01-06-2024

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водопостачання водовідведення Source: ДЕРЖЗАКУПІВЛІ.ОНЛАЙН

Gestione dei servizi cimiteriali, funebri e lampade votive 2024-2029 del cimitero del comune di Montecorvino Rovella - CIG : B190F68AC8 Source: Comune di Bellizzi

PIANO DI ZONA AMBITO S04_1 - Servizio di Housing First destinato a soggetti residenti nei comuni dellAmbito Territoriale S04_1 in condizioni di grave deprivazione - CIG : B1B059EACD - CUP : B24H22000170006 Source: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI CONTRONE - Lavori di Messa in sicurezza e prevenzione del rischio idrogeologico strada comunale Isca - Piana - CIG : B1B9C73344 - CUP : G68H22000670001 Source: Comune di Bellizzi

Републички хидрометеоролошки завод Србије издао је најновије метеоролошко упозорење за 02. и 03.06.2024. године којe... Source: opština Bačka Palanka

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of free basic alternative energy gel. Scope: • Gel fuel x 1095: - The Gel fuel is an alternative fuel source to electricity, paraffin, methylated spirits. Liquified Petroleum Gas, wood and dung; - The Gel fuel must be 100% natural in origin and it must be made from Ethanol, which is derived from sugar beet and other renewable agricultural sources; - The Gel fuel must be renewable, safe, clean, non-toxic, non-explosive, environmentally friendly & efficient. The Gel fuel must have a wide variant of applications; - The burn time, flame colour and gel consistency must be specifically formulated for each application; - The Gel fuel must be in any colour and it must be delivered in a 5 litre container; • Oil lamps x 250: 300ml oil capacity made from hardened plastic and must contain screw on lid with wick and toughened shade. Delivery address: Elundini Local Municipality, No. 1 Seller Street, Nqanqarhu, 5480. Please confirm the closing date as it falls on a Saturday. Source: ONLINE TENDERS