Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Evaluation of AI-based 21st Century Core Competency Skills Measurement Tool. Scope of work: UNICEF is piloting the 21st Century Core Competency Skills Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Measurement Tool, also in reference to the UNICEF LSCE Measurement Tool. Whilst developed to support the current DBE curriculum reform process, it is envisioned that the tool will be used by any formal, informal, and non-formal skills development interventions, in both the public and private sectors. UNICEF is therefore seeking an institution or organisation to assess the pilot of its 21st Century Core Competency Skills AI based Measurement Tool. It is envisioned that the assessment will provide insights on: 1. The tool"s accuracy and alignment with the South Africa Skills and Competencies for a changing world framework. 2. The tool’s usability, functionality, and effectiveness in assessing 21st-century core competency skills. 3. Possible implication on teaching and learning and assessment practices, curriculum design, and educational and training assessment policies. (Offre №103215958fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 103215958
Date de publication: 20-04-2024

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