Information is requested for the following: Provision of Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data Services. Scope: The United Nations is seeking information regarding subscription-based global AIS data services that provide near real-time (up to 1-hour delay) and reliable maritime information to monitor trends in maritime transport and compile various economic, social and environmental indicators. The AIS data will be hosted in the UN Global Platform and be utilized by various international organizations and national experts. The positional AIS data must be enriched with information on the navigation status, the destination of the voyage, and the ship"s characteristics. Further, this system must provide data in recognized file/stream format (txt, JSON) via the Application Programming Interface (API). Beneficiary Country/Territory: Global. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. (Offre №102331332fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 102331332
Date de publication: 05-04-2024

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The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: Thermo gallery calibration, qty: 1. Terms of reference: A service provider is required to service a Thermo Gallery discrete analyser. Scope of work: Service of the following equipment is required: - Thermo Gallery Discrete Analyser (EQC-31), qty: 1, section: Chemistry, scope: Major service. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Strip and quote of 2 Surge generators, Quantity: 2. Scope of work: The City of uMhlathuze is looking for a suitable service provider to strip and provide repair quotation for 2 surge generator SebaKMT SPG32 - 1750. The appointed service provider must strip and repair on site at 65 Allumina Alle, Alton, Richards Bay. Strip and diagnose, then provide repair quotation to City of uMhlathuze. Problem: If you apply the voltage, it doesn’t breakdown. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: Locate 20MV cable faults, qty: 20. Scope of work: The city of uMhlathuze is looking for a suitable service provider to locate cable faults on 20 MV cables as and when required. The service provider needs to locate the fault, dig & expose the fault, spike & cut the cable and pressure test both ends. Should there be another fault on the same cable, the service provider must re-locate the faults until the cable tests clean. The cables are at various municipality areas, they differ in sizes, length and type. Specification: 1. Cable fault location, unit of measure: ea, qty: 20, 2. Digging to expose cable, unit of measure: ea, qty: 20, 3. Spiking and cutting, unit of measure: ea, qty: 20, 4. Pressure testing, unit of measure: ea, qty: 20. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Hire a tent: 1500 steel framed marquee at Ndabayakhe sports ground (12 April 2024). Specifications: 1. Tent x 1, 2. Chair x 1000, 3. Tables x 10, 4. Table Cloths x 10, 5. Date: 12 April 2024 (Friday), Venue: 2024/25 Ngwelezane Budget Public Participation @ Ndabayakhe Sportsground, Time: 11h00. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Expressions of interest are hereby requested for the following: Provision of Automotive and Power Generator Workshop Safety Training Courses for United Nations Staff. Specifications: The United Nations Global Service Centre (UNGSC) is seeking expressions of interest from qualified companies to provide Automotive and Power Generator Workshop Safety Training Courses for United Nations Staff to be delivered in English and on-site at various UN locations and optionally through live webinars. Some courses may also require delivery in French. Country: Global. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver Pro-Secure rifle safes, Qty required: 4: Specifications: - Rifle Safe: SABS approved, - 1350H x 280W x 300D (mm), - 3mm Body - 6mm Door, - 7 Level lock (Two [2] keys supplied), - Two (2) pre-drilled holes in the floor and hole in the rear (no fixing supplied). Source: ONLINE TENDERS