Re-advertisement: Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality (MLM) invites tenders for the following: Construction of Kome internal street phase 2. (Offre №102126778fr)


Country: South Africa
Langue: EN
Nombre: 102126778
Date de publication: 02-04-2024

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Галт тэрэгний хөдөлгөөн зохицуулалтын нэгдсэн төвийн оффис түрээсийн үйлчилгээ Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Дотуур байрны барилга, 160 суудал /Увс, Өмнөговь сум, 5 дугаар баг/ Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Төв аймаг - Баян тооцооны төвийн барилга угсралтын ажил гүйцэтгэх Source: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Cederberg Municipality only source quotations from suppliers listed on the Central Supplier Database (CSD). Registration is compulsory in order to conduct business with Cederberg Municipality. The database will be used to verify the accreditation of a supplier before an award can be made. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Replaced damaged roof at Paarl squash club. Scope of work: 1. Contractor to remove existing damaged roof sheets (approximately 335m²) and asbestos rainwater goods (approximately 36rm): a) Contractor to carefully remove existing ridge capping and put aside for re-use once new corrugated roof sheets has been installed. b) Contractor to carefully remove existing roof sheets as indicated on drawing A1 (approximately 350 m²). c) Contractor to carefully remove existing asbestos gutters and downpipes (approximately 36 RM). d) Contractor to carefully inspect roof structure for any damaged timber and replace with new timber, SABS approved purlins/rafters in order to re-enforce roof. e) All materials, debris and rubbish to become the property of the contractor and will the contractor be responsible for disposal. Contractor will be responsible for carting and dumping of these materials and ensure that site is clean and unencumbered. 2. Supply and Installation of New 0.5mm IBR Roof sheets, Flashings fixed to existing purlins: a) Contractor to carefully inspect roofing structure for any damaged rafters, battens and purlins. b) Contractor to inform employer agent of intention to remove timber from roof structure for replacement. c) Contractor to replace damaged timber in Roof structure with SABS approved materials and must install according to manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines. d) Supply and Install new IBR 0.5mm galvanised coated z275 roof sheets (approximately 350 m² in continuous lengths) strictly to be laid on existing 76X 50mm SAP purlins at 900 ccs, all to be done to manufacturer’s instructions, guidelines and specifications. SANS 0400 Rules and regulations Part L for Roofs (335m²) is applicable, min 150mm overlapping of roof sheets to be strictly maintained at all times. Note: Alignment of purlins to be checked and corrected before placing of new roof sheets. e) Contractor to Supply and install new galvanised ridge capping approximately 28m, along the peak of the roof with overlaps (approximately 250mm either side). f) Install new 0.4 mm 100x25mm Heunis steel cover flashing or similar, at vertical and horizontal intersection points, strictly to manufacturer’s specifications and guidelines. g) “Rain Tite Waterproofing Compound Sika Raintite Membrane” or similar product to be applied strictly to manufacturers guidelines and specifications. Note: End laps/side laps to be treated with approved self etching primer. All surfaces must be clean, sound, dry and properly cured before applying waterproofing product. 3. Supply and Install Seamless Aluminium Rainwater Goods (approximately 39rm): a) Contractor carefully inspect the area to familiarise themselves with, and carefully remove existing asbestos gutters and downpipes. b) Contractor to supply and install seamless aluminium gutter system including all stop ends, brackets, beams etc. All seams and joints to be sealed to prevent leaking. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Vacant Land – Potchindustria. Source: ONLINE TENDERS