ONLINE TENDERS: Offres. Page № 5


Total des offres: 51816 + Nouveau 53

total: 36543
29 oct
Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited from eligible and interested companies, consortium or joint ventures to appoint a service provider for reviewing and gazetting of MHS By-Laws. Specifications: 1. Comprehensive review of the current By-Laws. 2. Gazetting of the reviews By-Law. The objective of the proposed work is to: Procure the services of a service provider to review, create and Gazette By-Laws that will be used on a daily basis by Environmental Health Practitioners. The project timeframe is expected to be less than a period of 3 months. Project Deliverables: - Review of current Municipality By-Laws, with relevant and new information, and better print-format, - Clear link to the the Scope of the EH Profession and the EH Norms of Standards, - Active engagement of EHPs in linking the Environmental Health practice with applicable legislation (in this instance MHS By-Laws). Stakeholders consultation: The successful service provider will be required to undertake stakeholder consultations and engagements as it is a vital and an ongoing requirement to ensure support and buy-in towards the successful completion of the project. He/ She has to ensure that all EHPs are included as a very key stakeholder in implementing the outcome of the new by-laws. Project management: The service provider has to be conversant with the day-to-day operations of Sekhukhune District Municipality MHS so as to be able to apply that information to the EHPs of this district. This will then cause the EHPs to be able to apply the New MHS By-Laws accordingly. Project Management Team of this project will be comprised of the Manager: MHS and Chief EHP responsible for Legislation, as well as 2 EHPs from each satellite MHS office. This will ensure maintenance of stability and assist in spreading the application of the By-laws. Reporting mechanism: There will be one report that will be submitted to the Manager: MHS on completion of the By-Laws. (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 1 jours

Nombre: 113091341

Country: South Africa


29 oct
Quotations are hereby requested for the repair of 3 Hydrovar Xylem water pumps for the RO System. (EN) Ajouter aux favoris
Date limite pour les candidatures en: 4 jours

Nombre: 113091345

Country: South Africa