Miscellaneous medical devices and products (Offre №78543185fr)


Country: Poland
Langue: EN PL
Nombre: 78543185
Date de publication: 24-02-2023
Description de la langue d'origine

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Accès total
Written quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of stay components and high voltage components. Scope: 1. Stay Components: Low Voltage Components: - 30 x rods; - 40 x plates; - 100 meter x stay wire. 2. High Voltage Components: - 35 x rods; - 40 x plates; - 100 meter x stay wire. Delivery Address: Civic Building, Victoria Street, Estcourt, 3310. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of handheld breathalyzer devices. Scope: • 10 x Supply & delivery of handheld rechargeable Breathalyzer devices; • 1000 x Individually wrapped compatible mouth pieces. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Code B driver’s licence (Code 8) training. Specifications: - Hiring of vehicle for Testing of Driver’s licence. - Driver’s test. - Driving lessons. Required at: Municipality Stores, Floryn Street, Marias Industrial, Vredenburg, 7380. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the following: Supply of streetlight globes venture. Scope: - 150 x 100 watts; - 100 x 400 watts; - 150 x 250 watts. Delivery Address: Civic Building, Victoria Street, Estcourt, 3310. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivering of lawn dressing to La Motte and Van Der Stel Sport Facility. Scope of work: The successful bidder will supply and deliver lawn dressing to any of two sport facilities. The rate will be defined as a 6m³ truck delivery to each of the facility that includes transport costs. A minimum of 6m³ lawn dressing will be delivered to a facility. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Pharmaceutical products Source: TED