...neapbūvētas zemes vienības "Timotiņi" daļu, kadastra apzīmējums 9884 007 0119 , platība 228 kv.m, Vārves pagastā, Ventspils novadā... (Offre №113815684fr)


Country: Latvia
Langue: LV
Nombre: 113815684
Date de publication: 11-11-2024

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Accès total
Bidders are hereby invited to bid for the Consortium of Professional Service providers for the Construction of Grade A DLTC. Professional services only. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the appointment of a suitable contractor for the Refurbishment of Thabo Mbeki (Reuben Mogashoa Stadium). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Erratum: Please note that the closing date details has been amended. Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the appointment of a suitable service provider for Electronic Documents and Records Management System (EDRMS) for a period of three (3) years and a roll out plan that complies with the national archives and records services act (act 43 of 1996). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Erratum: Please note that the closing date details has been amended. Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the appointment of suitable service provider for Supply, delivery and offloading branding materials. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Erratum: Please note that the closing date details has been amended. Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the appointment of a suitable service provider for supply, delivery, retrofitting and commissioning of energy efficiency streetlights and high mast lights fittings, complete with LED globes for the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management Programme (EEDSM). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

...nekustamo īpašumu - dzīvokli Sergeja Eizenšteina ielā 37-34, Rīga, kadastra numurs 0100 901 9756... Source: Latvijas Vēstnesis – official journal