Quality improvement of drinking water supply by way of construction of 35 Nos. 2500/5000/7500 GPH capacity package type IRP under DWS Division, Kamalpur. (Offre №95793067fr)

Country: India
Langue: EN
Client: eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
Nombre: 95793067
Date de publication: 07-12-2023

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JJM Scheme under Mandwi R.D Block under jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Mandwi Construction of RCC Hydrant Post and RCC Platform in different FHTC and other allied works in different Commissioned DTW and SBDTW schemes during year 2023-24.Group-I Source: Central public Procurement portal India

JJM Scheme under Mandwi R.D Block under jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Mandwi Construction of RCC Hydrant Post and RCC Platform in different FHTC and other allied works in different Commissioned DTW and SBDTW schemes during year 2023-24Group-II Source: Central public Procurement portal India

JJM Scheme under Mandwi RD Block under jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division Mandwi Construction of RCC Hydrant Post and RCC Platform in different FHTC and other allied works in different Commissioned DTW and SBDTW schemes during year 2023-24Group-III Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Remodeling of pipe line by shifting into new alignment from the existing DTW scheme at R.K Nagar-I including extension of new pipe line, Providing individual domestic water supply connection and other allied works under Old Agartala Block Source: Central public Procurement portal India

DTW schemes under JALA JEEVAN MISSION (JJM) at Shib Sardar para and Baisakhchandra para under Kathiram VC under Mandwi R.D. Block under the Jurisdiction of DWS Sub-Division, Mandwi Construction of 2No. Semi permanent Pump House Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 100 seated G plus 2 Girls Hostel at Ampi English Medium School Gomati District Tripura 4th Call Source: Central public Procurement portal India