Rice Basmati, Dal Moong, Dal Masoor & Suji (Offre №93652271fr)


Country: India
Langue: EN
Nombre: 93652271
Date de publication: 03-11-2023

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Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Canopies - Meyerton. Scope: • Lot M001 - Cabworld Full Door Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M002 - Beekman Full Door Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M003 - Cabworld Full Door Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M004 - King Half Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M005 - Bakkie Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M006 - Toyota Hilux D4D D/C Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M007 - Toyota Hilux D4D D/C Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M008 - Toyota Hilux D4D D/C Canopy (1 Off); • Lot M009 - Toyota Hilux D4D S/C Canopy (1 Off). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Council for Geoscience requests quotations for the appointment for a service provider to supply and deliver consumables required for heavy mineral separations for geochronology. Specification: 1. Whatman filter paper with diameters: -185mm (50) Hardened, -11.0 cm (4), - 55 mm (0.45 microns), 2. Sigma Aldrich Lab parafilm 4 in. x 125 ft. roll, 3. Sodium Polytungstate (Na SPT) 3.3 to 3.5 gravity with attainable density of approx. 2.8 up to 3.5g/cm3 at room temperature. Volume 1L. Purity > 99%, Grade Analytical Reagent, 4. Plastic bags: - 300mm x 450mm x 100 microns, 5. Ziplock bags: - 102 x 102 x 40 microns, 6. Steel buckets - 5L, 7. Vials: 6ml self-standing general-purpose clear plastic. Screw top. Please note this quotation was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Vehicles & LDV - Meyerton. Specifications: - Hyundai Tucson, Petrol Dealerstock / Code: 2; - Ford Ranger, Diesel Dealerstock / Code: 2; - BMW 320 D, Diesel Deregistered / Code: 3. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Fencing, poles and filters - Komatipoort. Scope: • Lot SE001 - Steel Posts and Fencing (130 Off); • Lot SE002 - Air Filters (268 Off). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Non - ferrous metals - Secunda. Scope: • Lot SE001 - Contaminated Brass Shavings (1 Off); • Lot SE002 - Contaminated Brass Solids (1 Off); • Lot SE003 - Contaminated Copper Hammers (11 Off); • Lot SE004 - Contaminated Copper Busbars (1 Off); • Lot SE005 - Transformer Spares (1 Off); • Lot SE006 - Contaminated Non-Ferrous Equipment (1 Off); • Lot SE007 - Contaminated Tungsten (1 Off). Source: ONLINE TENDERS

An invitation is hereby issued to suitably qualified and experienced services providers for the appointment of a suitably qualified and experienced service provider to supply and deliver promotional items for MUT. Specifications: Promotional items to be branded with MUT Logo: World Aids Day Event: 1. Caps: - 150 - white, - 150 - black, - HIV/AIDS sign at the back right side and MUT logo back left side, 2. A5 Notebooks with MUT logo, NB 100001, Qty: 300, 3. Black standard Pen, to be branded with HIV/AIDS sign, Qty: 300. Source: ONLINE TENDERS