Lab Material Consumable (Framework Contract) (Offre №79403957fr)


Country: India
Langue: EN
Nombre: 79403957
Date de publication: 10-03-2023

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Accès total
Information is hereby requested for the following: Consulting services: Backup solution. Period/duration of project/assignment: Once-off transaction. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of Contract number: RFQ SAC2023-001: Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to redesign SACNASP Offices at the Innovation Hub Pretoria. Scope of work: SACNASP requires a service provider to provide: • Space planning and appropriate office set-up for its staff, meeting rooms, public space, filing rooms, server room and storage rooms this will include re-design of the existing structure, and repurposing of existing materials. The service provider will be required to consider all the elements of Occupational Health and Safety; • Advise on the correct location of staff and functional departments; • A 3D design proposal and a presentation to management for discussion and decision making; • A specification for implementation of the proposed design, implementation plan and estimated total cost and duration of the project which should take no longer than 4 months to complete upon appointment; • Materials should be sourced locally; • The offices are L4 (336.48m²) on the ground floor and U13 (344.47m²) on the upper floor measuring approximately in total 680.95m² both offices are located at the Innovation Hub Pretoria. Place where goods, works or services are required: 1 Mark Shuttleworth - Lynwood - Pretoria - 0087. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Lejweleputswa District Municipality hereby requests quotations from reputable and reliable service providers for the following: Removal of existing boards and supply, delivery and installation of corporate signage boards for Lejweleputswa District Municipality. Specifications: - Removal of existing boards; - Paint work; - Supply and installation of new boards; - Boards: Laminated and digital print on metal panel. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of the following: Sage Pastel Payroll Consulting Services. Scope: The service provider must assist with salary corrections on the Sage pastel payroll system. The scope of work includes consulting with the client and assisting with salary correction payments as well as advising on deductions and tax implications. An excel workbook must be provided to the Ports Regulator with all calculations before implementing into the Pastel system. Place where goods, works or services are required: 11th Floor, The Marine Building, 22 Dorothy Nyembe, Durban, 4000. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the renewal of current VMware software support and subscription and the procurement of additional VMware software licenses. Source: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: supply and delivery of stationery for Provisioning and Logistics section. Scope: • Black pens x 112; • Pencils x 108; • A4 Arch Lever files x 100; • Highlighters x 406; • Sticky note (blue and yellow) x 62; • Calculator x 10; • Square Pen cup (small pen holder metal) x 27; • Black Wire Mesh Memo Holder x 27; • Giant stapler x 5; • Giant staples x 5; • Selo tapes Brown Big & small x 20; • Staplers x 30; • Staples x 30; • Stapler Remover x 30; • Marking pens big size x 10; • Pritt Glue Stick x 2; • Prestik (Bostik Prestik - 100g) x 5; • Scissors x 30; • Black & red inks for stamps x 20; • Punch x 2; • Pink ribbon for files x 50. Required at: Cape Town. Please note that this bid was published late. Source: ONLINE TENDERS