MOEI and Fan and other electrical services in PWD Offices under PWD Electrical Division South during 2024-25 (SH- SITC of Network Booster System at various PWD offices maintained under M-South Division) (Offre №114434155fr)

Country: India
Langue: EN
Client: eTendering System Government of NCT of Delhi
Nombre: 114434155
Date de publication: 20-11-2024

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Restoration of damaged structure of 15(fifteen) different pump houses of LI_DTW scheme along with Kathalia PWD_WR_ Sub-division office maintenance within the jurisdiction of Kathalia RD Block under W.R Sub-Division, Kathalia during the year 2024-20 Source: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR / Mtc. of different roads under Ampi PWD (RandB) Sub-Division under Ompi R.D. Block/SH- Sal Post Boring, Palasiding ( L- 60.00 Mtr), Wire Crates and Gunny Bags Placing etc. during the year 2024-25. Group-II Source: Central public Procurement portal India

Кегейли тумани 17-сонли мактабгача таълим ташкилоти иситиш козонини алмаштириш Source: ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ТЕНДЕРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ГОСЗАКУПОК В СФЕРЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ


Оқдарё туман «Амир Темур» МФЙ ҳудудидаги КСЗга электр энергияси тармоқларини қуриш Source: ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ ТЕНДЕРНАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ГОСЗАКУПОК В СФЕРЕ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВЕ

RMO E and M Services at Type - III Qtrs., DA Flats, Timarpur, Delhi. (SH- Providing and Fixing of Security system). Source: Central public Procurement portal India