Construction of 55 Mtr. Span Bridge over Rispana River at Dehradun -Raipur Road near Chuna Bhatta in Rajpur Constituency of District Dehradun under State Sector. (Offre №114071594fr)


Country: India
Langue: EN
Client: eProcurement System Government of Uttarakhand
Nombre: 114071594
Date de publication: 14-11-2024

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Renovation of HNo 2001 and 3085 occupied Type XI F Sector 23 Chandigarh Total 02 Nos Houses IBM Scheme No W4/2024/23700 Source: Central public Procurement portal India

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4Р6 "Тошкент ш.-Чирчиқ ш.-Чимён қ." автомобиль йўлининг 80-81 км қисмларини қайта қуриш объектида цементбетон қоришмаларини қуйиш хизматини бажариш учун ёрдамчи пудратчини аниқлаш. Source: УЗБЕКСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКАЯ ТОВАРНО-СЫРЬЕВАЯ БИРЖА